Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Famous first words

I have no idea what to say. I'm sure eventually it will dawn on me and I will wow the cyberworld with my brilliant prose, but for now I think I'll just talk crap. I stole this name from my sister - yes, I am deeply unoriginal and lack the initiative to come up with a half-decent, made-up name myself - but imitation is apparently the most sincere form of flattery. I'm sick right now, or rather, refusing to take any medicine so I don't get any better and have to go back to school. Although now I just got a get better SMS from a teacher and now feel like a mildly terribly person. Still, I have too much work to do to bother with school right now.
Perhaps tomorrow or the next day I'll post something else, and perhaps by then it will have dawned on me and I will wow the cyberworld with my brilliant prose. Or perhaps I will do my homework and forget about this. Tune in in the near future the find out!

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